Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Another Year On Its Way Out

Nothing changes - nothing ever does. Life goes on endlessly day after day - year after year. Suddenly its December and you're seeing another year on its way out. 'For men may come and men may go' -- but time goes on forever. Due apologies for picking up and changing this verse to suit my state of mind - but this year has not been any different from the past. River or no river - everything flows - time, water, energy, thoughts and what have you.

Its all talk - all words. None of it is real. Even for those working on relentlessly to make a difference -- there is the huge big interface with what is known as destiny to reckon with. The pyramid structure prevails to quell the bottom half with the loud-talking peaker's at the top. Yup unlike them - the codfish never cackles to tell you what she's done and the homely hen goes on and on...

I can not understand this disquietitude. Nor my sense of dissipation. I am moving on without a clue. But then this is not me. Essentially. What ever is happening to my natural gung-ho spirits? Just a fraction of a second in this black mood will pull me down - down - down -- unimaginably. Yes - yes - yes -- work is my salvation. It keeps me off the banalities of the mind, for ultimately that is just where these random meanderings will lead me - to more insipid words.

And its to words that I return back again. To comprehend and to simplify. A way to go on minute by minute and day by day and week by week and month by month and lo and behold - year by year. But I am back to where I started. Yes the year is going by - day by day. What kind of triviality will I be planning for the last day of this soon-to-be-forgotten year. A penny for my thoughts.

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